
£2.76m funding for 65 new affordable homes secured

Over £2.76 million funding towards securing 65 new homes in York has been successfully bid for by City of York Council.

The 65 homes will be a mix of properties bought on the open market and of new-build homes.

Councillor backs Villagers call for speed reduction

Strensall ward Conservative Councillor Paul Doughty is giving his full support to a call from local residents to lower the current (third of a mile) 60mph national speed limit section of Strensall Road between Earswick towards the crossroads at Towthorpe Lane on the edge of Strensall.

Residents to help shape Poppleton Neighbourhood Plan

Residents of both Upper and Nether Poppleton have the chance to help shape the proposed Neighbourhood Plan for both villages during a consultation period which runs from 7 December 2016 to 23 January 2017.